Trinity Mirror chooses Krause CTP

Trinity Mirror has bolstered its CTP capacity by signing up for 10 Krause CTP lines for its Mirror Colour Print (MCP) sites at Watford, Oldham and Cardonald in Glasgow.

Each of the LS Jet platesetters, which can expose up to 210 plates per hour, will have a Krause Plate Buffer Unit, Nela VCP punching and bending and multiple stackers.

The CTP systems will be shipped from late June in several phases and installation should be completed by late summer.

MCP IT director and CTP manager Neil Freeman said: The project started nearly one year ago and we have had many discussions and presentations by different suppliers along with visits to demonstration sites in Europe. We are convinced that we purchased the right system.

MCP Watford will get five of the systems, Oldham three and Cardonald two.