The Jaws PDF Server software allows the production staff of six national titles, including the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, Racing Post, Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail, in London and Glasgow to create PDFs, soft proof and then transmit and archive the files.
Trinity Mirror IT operations manager Peter Raettig said the system made better use of the group's Wide Area Network, that ripping was much easier when done locally and colour registration was simpler.
"It means that we can react very quickly. It makes it easier to support any interruptions. Everything going into Mirror Colour Print and everything coming out of London and Glasgow is PDF," said Raettig.
The group's national newspaper printing division, Mirror Colour Print (MCP), installed 10 Krause CTP LS Jet platesetters earlier this year across its three plants, with five going to Watford, three to Oldham and two to Cardonald in Glasgow.
PDFs are also transmitted to Trinity Mirror production sites either involved in printing national titles or that send documents to MCP. These include Birmingham, Coventry, Belfast and Londonderry, plus contract printers in Ireland, Spain, Tenerife, Majorca and Greece.
With the company's previous system the production site ripped the pages as CCITT Group 4 Bitmaps, with any calibration being done at Canary Wharf.
Story by John Davies
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