eyes growth following Mimaki CVJ30-60 install

Weymouth-based start-up has invested in its first printer, a Mimaki CJV30-60, from UK distributor Hybrid Services.

The company is the brainchild of Alex Smith, who created a light switch cover sticker featuring a cartoon character for his young daughter in 2012 and realised he'd hit on a unique idea for a print business.


Smith, who was a director of family-owned print business Print Team at the time, started selling the light switch stickers through eBay and Amazon, initially producing the work on Print Team's Roland DG Pro 4 XR-640.

Following a rapid growth in orders, Smith, who runs together with his wife Cristina, decided to invest in his first printer and move into new premises.

"The business took off and the volumes went up and up," he said. "Within a year we had sold over 10,000 stickers through eBay alone and we now regularly despatch 150 orders per day through our website."

Smith added that the Mimaki printer-cutter was "ideal for smaller businesses where one person may be carrying out multiple jobs".

"We have limited space at our premises, so having a printer-cutter in one was a real bonus, especially one that doesn't compromise on print quality," he said. "Our customers are delighted with the stickers and how great they look - our client base is growing all the time."

In addition to the light switch stickers, which are produced on Orajet 3164 100micron vinyl, prints safety signs, vehicle identifications marks, mobile phone skins and covers for television remotes.

The company's new website is set to go live in the next few months, while Smith is considering an upgrade to a wider printer, potentially as early as next year. "The plan is to keep investing," he said. "The next phase would be to get someone full-time in here to process the orders and allow me to focus on new products and growing the business."