Sinclairs boasts improved environmental approach with Technotrans buy

Stationery manufacturer Sinclairs has bought a Basic.f dampening filtration system from Technotrans in order to cut down on the company's waste.

The unit, which has been fitted on a six-colour B2 Komori 628 press, removes unwanted debris from the dampening solution during production.

According to David Hainsworth, works manager at the Otley, Yorkshire-based company, the machine cuts the amount of waste liquid that has to be disposed. It also reduces downtime and decreases the amount of chemistry that has to be bought.

He said: "We hold ISO 14001 environmental accreditation, but the environment, and corporate social responsibility isn’t a recent whim – it is something we have worked on over many years."

The company supplies stationery to customers across the UK and further afield, many of which specify environmental credentials.

Other steps the company has taken include an upgraded compressed air generation, a reduction in paper waste through "awareness and care" and a review of energy solutions.