Trinity installs dampening system

Newspaper publisher Trinity Mirror has installed two delta.f dampening filtration systems from Technotrans at its Glasgow facility.

The two systems, supplied by Technotrans' UK distributor WRH Marketing, will be attached to an existing dampening system, which is already in place on Trinity's two five-tower KBA Commander web press.

David Beagan, chief engineer at the plant, said: "Filtration is vital to us from an environmental perspective. The solids don’t go down the drain and the liquid from the dampening solution is recycled to reduce our fount bill.

"It is green and cost-saving. It requires very little maintenance because the filters clean themselves so all we do is occasionally decant the sludge tanks."

Trinity Mirror prints a range of national and regional titles at its Glasgow facility including The Daily Record, The Mirror, The Independent and The Glaswegian.