Rediset Business Forms closes its doors but staff start up new business

Poole-based Rediset Business Forms has closed its doors and a meeting of creditors will take place next Thursday (26 August), at which insolvency practitioner Stringer & Co is expected to be appointed as liquidator.

All staff were made redundant when Rediset closed, but three former employees, Alyson Rigler, Steven Hooper, who was also a director at Rediset, and Jenelle Howell, have set up their own print management business, with the help of another former employee.

Print manager Inspired Forms has been set up as a sole trader by Roy Floyd, who worked for Rediset in the late 70s and whose brother Ray was bindery manager before Rediset closed.

Floyd told PrintWeek that he had set the three former employees up in an office as a sole trader to continue dealing with work from former Rediset customers.

He added that the three former employees had financial backing from friends and family and would be interested in purchasing some of the kit once the company goes into liquidation, with a view to starting up a print hall that would deal with around 80% of its work.

Floyd said: "I have assisted a number of employees in setting up their own business. I have set them up in an office supplying print services through the contacts they have built up. Hopefully they will be able to pick up a press and a collator from the liquidator, then they can start up their own press, we are also investigating other channels if they are unsuccessful in doing that.

"They are working hard for the existing clients that they knew well and those clients have treated them really well. I also have to say they have been really well supported by the print trade when placing work. The overall reaction has been enthusiastic and positive."

Floyd added that Inspired Forms had approached his brother about running the finishing arm of the new business, but he was not interested.

Hooper, Rigler and Jefferson Fairly also set up a company called Paperazzi on 26 July 2010, which Floyd said was nothing to do with Inspired Forms.