How did you get into print?
Selling personalised printed greeting cards
What would be your dream job?
F1 racing car driver
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
David Hasselhoff
What is your dream bit of kit?
An electronic drum kit
What is your favourite film?
Taxi – the French original by Luc Besson
What is your favourite TV programme?
It’s not TV, but The News Quiz on Radio 4
Who do you admire most in the industry?
Moonpig boss Nick Jenkins
What is your favourite album?
Blood Sugar Sex Magik by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?
My fiancée
What is your greatest ambition?
To sail around the world
What’s your greatest fear?
The idea of my company going bust keeps me awake at night
Who or what makes you laugh?
Spike Milligan
Most embarrassing moment?
Once, as a teenager on a French exchange holiday, I had to wear ‘banana-hammock’ Speedos by the swimming pool – I wasn’t allowed board shorts, for some reason
Q&A: Sam Heaton, managing director,

Sam Heaton has been working in e-commerce for 10 years. He has two dogs, a fiance and is a big fan of watersports, although we wouldn't recommend turning up to watch him in action given his history of wearing revealing swimwear...