Q&A: Richard Gregory, director, Evolve

Richard Gregory, managing Director at Evolve Complete Print Solutions, has worked in print for 23 years. He is married with two children and likes painting and tending to his vegetable patch - all pretty respectable for a man who was once sent home from school for sporting a punk rock hairstyle.

Why did you get into printing?
As the third generation of a print family, I had little choice but I had always been interested in design and this exposed me to a lot of different and successful designers

What would be your dream job?
When I was 20, I spent four months travelling across Africa in a truck. I’d love to be an expedition guide

What is your dream bit of kit?
I just bought it: a Heidelberg XL75 with a coater and Inpress control

What would you most like to print?
Being an amateur artist, I’d love to print the catalogues for The Affordable Art Fair. It would give me a chance to appreciate what’s new in the art world and help to inspire my painting

What is your favourite phrase or saying?
Is this the right room for an argument?

What is your favourite record?
The first single I bought was Town Called Malice by The Jam – not a bad first record, I think you have to agree, and I still love it today

What is your greatest luxury in life?
I’m not really into material things – spending time chatting to neighbours at the allotment with my children around me proudly digging up creatures and making ‘families’ out of them is my luxury

Most embarrassing moment?
I once joined some friends to perform at an improvised comedy night for charity. It was my first time and a full house but people did laugh – I’m not sure why and have never dared watch the video

What’s your worst fashion disaster?
When I was a kid, I turned up at school one morning with a Mohican. I was sent home