PrintIT! needs more printers for schools project

PrintIT! is looking for more printers to twin with schools in the industrys first curriculum-based educational programme.

So far, around 320 schools have joined forces with print companies to encourage young people to consider a career in print, although more than 500 schools are involved in the project.

"We're still seeking enthusiastic printers who are willing to inject some personal perspective and input into the course," said PrintIT! chairman Martyn Elmy.

The Picon-led educational initiative designed to attract young people to print industry needs firms to offer advice to both teachers and students.

Printers already signed up include Wyndeham Press Group, which has agreed to help 14 schools, Polestar, Ward Knowles Printers, TJ International and Gask & Hawley.

Around 22,000 children are set to begin the PrintIT! programme after the half-term holiday. The project involves an eight-week course devised as a module in GCSE Graphic Products.

To take part, contact project manager Steve Wicks on 0845 0091 565 or