Print industry news roundup: Trinity, Bell & Bain, Shere, paper prices, Unite

Stay up to date with your procurement supply chain thanks to print industry news at your fingertips. This week: Trinity employees threaten industrial action; Bell & Bain add third Rapida; Shere first in world to buy Indigo 2000; Merchant competition forces paper price hike; Unite advises members to ask for 3.6%

Trinity Mirror Glasgow and Watford near industrial action

Employees at newspaper giant Trinity Mirror's Glasgow and Watford plants are on the verge of taking industrial action, according to Unite.

Bell & Bain return to KBA for third Rapida 142 press

Bell & Bain has invested in its third KBA Rapida 142 press, a move expected to continue to "successful development" of the Glasgow-based business.

Shere in world first Indigo 20000 buy  

HP has agreed a multi-million pound deal with UK digital start-up Shere Print to be the first worldwide user of its Indigo 20000 digital press.

Merchant competition forces paper price increase

Paper manufacturer Papierfabrik Scheufelen's imminent price increase will occur due to competition between merchants, says the company.

Unite advises members to ask for 3.6% pay increase

Unite has advised its members to request an inflation-based pay increase this year, in lieu of a national agreement.