Print industry news roundup: Alpha Colour Printers, Bell & Bain, Nicholson Bass, Elanders, Berforts

Stay up to date with your procurement supply chain thanks to print industry news at your fingertips. This week: Alpha Colour Printers opts for Heidelberg; Bell & Bain invests in Muller Martini; Nicholson Bass rebrands; Elanders joins nanography queue; Berforts invests in Elan 500 presses

Alpha Colour Printers continues pressroom expansion with Heidelberg Speedmaster spend

Alpha Colour Printers has continued its pressroom expansion after investing in a Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 75-4+L at Drupa.

Bell & Bain continues expansion with Muller Martini spend

Bell & Bain, the academic book and journal printer, has updated its finishing department after investing in a Muller Martini Alegro perfect binder.

Nicholson Bass evolves for 75th anniversary

Nicholson Bass is updating its identity as it approaches its 75th anniversary with a new name, logo and marketing strategies.

Elanders joins nanography queue

Global printing group Elanders has signed up for three Landa Nanography presses at Drupa.

Berforts expands with dual Elan 500 spend

Book printer Berforts Group used its recent trip to Drupa to boosts its digital print capabilities by signing for the UK's first two Elan 500 presses from Delphax.