Presstek and Heidelberg resolve plates spat

Presstek and Heidelberg have resolved their spat over plates for the Quickmaster DI 46-4.

Under an OEM agreement Heidelberg will sell a version of the PearlDry plate as the Saphira Quickplate 46.

The firms fell out when Presstek gave all dealers apart from Heidelberg a 20-30% discount on PearlDry plates and Heidelberg started selling a non-Presstek plate, the Saphira Caleidoplate, for the QM DI (PrintWeek, 14 March).

Heidelberg couldnt sell Presstek plates until last weeks deal and lost customers as a result.

Under the OEM Heidelberg is paying the same as other Presstek dealers, which Presstek claimed would cut revenue by 1.84m ($3m) this year.

Were finally where we thought wed be in the first place two plates and better prices, said Heidelberg UK sales director Jim Todd.

Presstek says its second-quarter results were its strongest for five years.

Net income was 1.2m compared to a loss of 7.14m this time last year. Revenue rose 17% to 14m.

Press shipments rose from one to 15 and sales of Dimension platesetters from 26 to 38. Anthem plate sales rose 78% to 921,000 and overall plate sales by area by 26% to 446,000m2.

The firm expects strong growth from of its next-generation plate, the Applause, which will ship in Q3.