Polestar in talks with staff over redundancies

Polestar Group is in talks with staff concerning redundancies and possible changes to terms and conditions at its Chromoworks, Colchester and Varnicoat sites.

Polestar Colchester is set to make 18 staff redundant after decommissioning one of its 32pp presses, a Rotoman M, "in response to market conditions in the web offset sector".

Polestar Colchester managing director Steve Mears said: "We have resisted taking this action for as long as possible, but like many others across the industry, we must now cut our cloth to suit lower demand in the sector."

Meanwhile, the company is also in consultation with staff at Varnicoat, where it is understood to be seeking to cut costs by making around 38 redundancies.

Unite national officer Vernon Robson said: "They initially wanted to cut 50 jobs at Varnicoat, but it seems to have settled down to 38."

According to Robson, the company is attempting to stem losses at its Chromoworks site through proposed changes to terms and conditions.

Robson said: "We may be able to do some local arrangements on flexibility and some alterations on shift working maybe, but it's early days yet."

The news that Polestar is set to make cuts follows similar announcements by web offset rivals Wyndeham and St Ives, both of whom have made staff redundant this year in an attempt to cut costs.