Pindar Graphics forms dedicated environmental team

Pindar Graphics has formed an environmental group in a push to drive its five-year 'Respect the Planet' strategy.

The 'Green Team' is headed up by Mark Smith, technical manager at the firm's Tewkesbury site, alongside eight environmental representatives across the firm's six UK locations.

The team will seek guidance from the company's Pindar Set arm, which last year was awarded a Gold Apple in the Green Organisation’s Green Apple Awards for its carbon offsetting project.

Smith said: "My remit is to minimise waste, promote recycling, reduce energy consumption and harmful emissions and where possible, work with suppliers who themselves have sound environmental policies."

He added: "At Tewkesbury alone we’ve managed to reduce the volume of waste going to landfill from the factory by 50% over the last few years."

The company is also drafting a best practice guide covering the group's whole paper handling process, which will allow the Green Team to educate other employees.

Pindar Group chief executive Andrew Dalton said: "By setting up a dedicated Green Team across our UK operations we are committed to playing an increasingly prominent role in helping to create a more sustainable environment for the future."