Palframan to part company with CPI

CPI UK managing director Peter Palframan is to leave the book group today on amicable terms after eight years service.

His role will be filled by Jim Daniels who also heads up the groups trade books division, which includes paperback plants Cox & Wyman and Mackays.

Palframans departure follows a restructure earlier this year when the UK operations were split into two divisions, trade and general books. The latter is headed up by Chris White.

CPI Group president Timothy Bovard played down the significance of Palframans departure. People come and go in big groups, its part of life, he said.

Bovard said that Daniels appointment was meant for the long term, despite industry speculation that he was shortly to retire. Hes 58 but hes a hell of a young 58, Bovard said. He added that Daniels was very well liked and very well respected. Hes a straight shooter and Im a straight shooter, he said.

Palframan joined the then Bath Press Group in 1994 under former chief Roy Hill. He took up the managing directorship in 1997. Prior to that he was with Alden Printing Group in Oxford.

He now plans to take his time to consider new business opportunities both in the UK printing industry and outside it. It is understood that he will remain on the board of the Printing Industry Forum (see top story).

Palframans former boss Roy Hill, who left the group in 1999, following its acquisition by CPI said he had very much enjoyed working with Peter for five years. I think hes got great talent and skills that will be useful to someone.

France-based CPI Group first arrived in the UK in 1999 with the acquisition of former Rexam plant Cox & Wyman. It then went on to buy LIBERfabrica (formerly Bath Press Group) and Mackays. CPI has sales of almost 312.5m (EUR500m).

Story by Lauretta Roberts

Picture: Palframan - new opportunities