Overmatter: In vino veritas?

Wine and print together are Overmatter’s idea of the perfect story. At a Tesco not far from PrintWeek Towers someone with an oenophilic turn of phrase that would put Jilly Goolden to shame has hacked the shelf edge strips to offer different descriptions of the wines on offer.

In their own words, one of the art duo Id-iom, who seem to be behind the spoof, said: “As I was aimlessly wandering the aisles of my local supermarket I was feeling a little dispirited. Seeing the half-hearted description they’d put up for JP Chenet wine made me want to cry a little so I thought I’d see if I could jazz it up somewhat.”

Their reworked description may be more accurate, and is undoubtedly more entertaining than the store’s own: “Bitter clowns tears with a hint of suspicion. Great with lobster thermidor, best drunk in the street.”

While their suggestion of partnering of a Soave with roadkill doesn’t hit the spot, we want to believe their description of 70s party favourite Blue Nun as “made by actual blue nuns in sea caves protected by wild otters”. It’s almost enchanting enough to tempt us to buy a bottle.