Overmatter: future shocks

Back to the Future Day had PrintWeek readers reminiscing about the industry 30 years ago, and now.

For the uninitiated, in the 1985 film Back to the Future Marty and the Doc travel back to 1955 and then forward in time to 21 October 2015. For those who saw the movie when it was originally released, this is something of a shriek-making date.

Twitter jumped on the anniversary, and the printiverse also had something to say about it all. 

@ConceptComms pointed out that Apple released its first Laserwriter the same year, and look how that turned out. 

@ProspectPrint noted that, despite the rise of digital OOH. “To think #BackToTheFuture predicted we wouldn’t even have printed signs/billboards. Holograms everywhere!!”

@printMAXuk said: “LED-UV Flatbed printing would have definitely been a #BackToTheFuture technology! Let alone 3D printing!”

Somewhat ironically, given the way the technology has moved to centre stage in recent years, 3D printing had already been invented, in 1984.

@chelsian highlighted print’s environmental progress, saying: “Fortunately, the amount of chemicals being poured down the drain has stopped!! And the amount being used...”

But top marks goes to @FreeportPress for highlighting that the printed newspaper wasn’t dead, either in the film or now.