New Hexachrome proofing system

Simpler adoption of Hexachrome and other hi-fi colour workflows is promised thanks to a new proofing system.

AbsoluteProof is claimed to be the first Hexachrome-in Hexachrome-out proofer. It was developed by New Zealand-based Gimlé.

It takes separated files from most RIPs, either CMYK, Hexachrome CMYKOG or other PMS colours. As it is post-RIP it reproduces traps and overprints. Other features include ink limiting, six-channel linearisation, density adjustments and ink hue control.

Printers supported include the Pantone-certified Roland Hi-Fi Jet as well as Epson and HP.

It is distributed in the UK by Targetcolour, a Docklands-based firm that specialises in colour workflow and colour management.

Managing director Niall Coady established the firm to improve the utilisation of ICC colour management as part of the production workflow.

"There needs to be more information on how to use profiles and less talk of colour theory," said Coady. "A profile only describes a device, we need to look at how we use them."


Story by Barney Cox