MetalFX wins innovation title

MetalFX, the metallic print technology company, won the Innovation of the Year award at the National Business Awards 2003.

The firm impressed the judges not only because of the technology, but also through the way it had marketed it to brand owners, designers and printers, according to Rob Anderson of Edengene, a sponsor of the awards.

The MetalFX system prints more than 104m metallic colours using a five-colour press, according to the Leeds-based firm. The MFX silver ink provides the metallic effect as the base.

MetalFX managing director Andrew Ainge said: It was an honour to represent the printing and design industries and the pioneering companies that have adopted MetalFX so far.

Gordon Brown addressed the Awards, which were attended by 1,300 people at Londons Grosvenor House Hotel. Too often in Britain we do little to celebrate our achievements, he said.

Story by Gordon Carson