The firm's property management arm, Macro, has partnered with Berkshire-based The Print Room Group under a three-year deal for an unnamed "major client" in Henley-on-Thames.
The Berkshire-based supplier will also provide 13 networked multi-functional devices and support services to the firm.
Print Room chairman Barry Lewington said: "We will be doing a lot of time-sensitive work, some of which will have a turnaround time of less than an hour."
He added that all the work would be digitally printed and that his company had taken on two extra staff, who will join four Print Room staff based at the client's site.
"Our work for the firm will be quite varied," said Lewington. "We will be managing stock levels in the warehouse and distribution. We are also responsible for room building, which involves setting up business and conference areas whenever needed."
Print Room said that it had managed print units before, but that this was the first time it had taken on warehousing.
Mace Group awards print supplier six-figure deal

Consultancy and construction giant The Mace Group has awarded its print supplier a six-figure facilities management deal for services including printing, warehousing and room building.