Levy results delayed a week

Results of the training levy consultation will be published on Monday 24 May, one week later than originally planned.

The delay has been caused by an extension to the original deadline for responses, which was put back from 28 April to 5 May after several major printers did not receive the ballot forms (PrintWeek, 22 April 2004).


Ken Iddon, chairman of the Funding for Training Working Group, which organised the consultation, said: "We extended it slightly because some people had not received forms, so they were phoning the Electoral Reform Society wanting to take part."


The Electoral Reform Society is conducting the poll on behalf of the BPIF/GPMU Funding for Training Working Group.


Iddon, who is also chief executive of NB Colour Print in Chorley, added that publication of results had also been put back because the initial date "fell in the middle of Drupa".