Lawrence Wallis passes away

Lawrence Wallis, highly respected print author and historian, passed away last week.

Prior to wielding his pen as a PrintWeek columnist from November 1997, Lawrence held a variety of senior roles at pre-press firms such as Intertype and Linotype, during the tumultuous handover from letterpress to litho.

However, he began his long and illustrious career in print as an apprentice compositor in 1949 and it was then that his love affair with the printed word blossomed.

During the subsequent 59 years he touched many lives and passed on his infectious passion for print to countless people.

"He was a wonderful, kind man, his devotion to the printing industry was outstanding," said Pat Holloway, Kodak GCG UK marketing manager, who had known Wallis for close to 20 years.

"He was such a gentleman," added fellow print historian Caroline Archer.

PrintWeek would like mark the passing of one of the industry’s best loved characters by collecting the memories of Lawrence’s friends and past colleagues.

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