Lasham looks at buy after he leaves Z-Card

Gary Lasham will leave Z-Card at the end of September after just eight months as managing director.

He is now in talks about an acquisition opportunity within print, but would not give further details as discussions were ongoing.

Lasham joined Z-Card from Wyndeham, where he had been sales director for just seven months, but he told PrintWeek that it was always planned that he would stay at Z-Card for as long as it took to get it back on the straight and narrow.

Lasham spent a total of three years with Wyndeham, which bought his company, Print Direct, in 2000.

Z-Card bought the business assets of Z-Media Group in January (PrintWeek, 14 February) after the loss of a major deal with a telecoms group hit the firm hard.

Executive director Elizabeth Love becomes Z-Card managing director.