Iceberg lures Vertis chief to media unit

Alastair Ezzy, the managing director of European sales for Vertis Europe, has been lured away to join former colleagues at the Iceberg direct marketing agency.

Alastair Ezzy, the managing director of European sales for Vertis Europe, has been lured away to join former colleagues at the Iceberg direct marketing agency.

Ezzy, who spent six years at Colorgraphic and Vertis, will leave on 31 August to head Icebergs new division dedicated to media campaign management and print procurement.
Iceberg, which has sales of 6m and 15 staff, was set up as an arm of Colorgraphic three years ago.

Clive Ingham, who is now chairman of the company, completed an MBO on 1 May after Vertis decided to sell non-core businesses.

He said Iceberg had been phenomenally successful. Its major clients are in financial services.
Ezzy hoped the new department would double Icebergs sales in 12 months.

Story by Richard Rhydderch