Hive prints Nestl lenticular ad card

Lenticular print specialist Hive Associates is to produce lenticular postcard inserts for Nestl Purina brand Winalot in IPC Medias monthly publication <i>Essentials</i>.

Based in Londons Oxford Circus, Hives work follows a Winalot scratch card insert campaign in IPCs weekly titles Woman and Womans Own. The push began last week and continues in early March. Howitt produced the scratch cards during its administration period earlier this month (PrintWeek, 5 February).

For Essentials, Hive will print lenticular postcards and will feature a spot the ball style competition involving Winalots Golden Retriever. The magazines circulation stands at 150,402.

The dog forms part of Winalots new look packaging that was launched on 26 January. Nestl Purina has invested 12m in the overall campaign.

IPC claims that it is the first mechanically inserted lenticular-based campaign for consumer magazines. IPCs in-house loose insert, bound-in and tip-on sales division Innovator and advertising agency DDB London, created the drive.

Lenticular print has been used in magazines before but on the covers of smaller publications. They were hand placed and with our campaign a machine will insert them into the title, said Innovator planning and creative co-ordinator Susan Nuttall.

The drive was nine months in the planning and Innovator also worked with Nestl Purinas media agency OMD UK.

It was a decent lead time and weve found that FMCG brands are increasingly looking at lenticular products for campaigns, said Hive creative director Andrew Hall.

Story by Philip Chadwick