Heidelberg expects full-year loss after 54m Q1 operating loss

Heidelberg has warned that it does not expect to make a profit in the current 2009/10 financial year, following the publication of its first-quarter results this week in which it posted a 63m euro (54.2m) operating loss.

The German press manufacturer said that "due to the persisting difficult underlying conditions" full-year sales would be below the already "very low level" of the previous 2008/09 financial year.

Heidelberg added that while its cost-cutting programme would help lower the break-even point as quickly as possible, this would be counteracted by the sharp rise in refinancing costs, resulting in the anticipated negative result.

Net sales for the first quarter fell 21.8% to €514m, while incoming orders were down 52.2% on last year at €550m. Similarly, the company's order backlog fell 52.5% to €616m.

"Incoming orders stabilised slightly in the first quarter compared with recent months, providing an initial indication that the downturn is levelling out. However, we still need to wait and see how things develop," said Bernhard Schreier, chief executive of Heidelberg.

The company's operating result, excluding exceptional items, was a €63m loss, while its net result was a €69m loss.