Fuji launches XMF 2.1

Fujifilm has released version 2.1 of its XMF cross-media workflow, which includes a range of new features such as advanced support for digital presses and enhancements to its JDF-based imposition.

XMF 2.1, which has added support for HP Indigo 3500, 5500 and 7000 digital presses, has altered its handling of files for digital printing so that now all of the processing and colour management takes place within XMF rather than in the digital front end.

Fujifilm workflow solutions manager Andy Walker said that this switch to bypassing the digital front end would ensure better data integrity by avoiding reprocessing digital files.

Enhancements in XMF's JDF-based imposition include the smart positioning of custom marks and the ability to dynamically add proof control strips.

Fujifilm is currently working on its next major version release, XMF 2.5, which should be available around the end of the summer.