Fuji to add web-offset and variable data capabilities to XMF 3.0

Ipex will be the launch pad for the latest version of Fujifilm's XMF workflow, version 3.0, which will include support for variable data printing on the Jet Press 720 using PDF/VT and PPML formats.

"Workflow is key to all our solutions and is a fundamental part of the printing process," said Fujifilm European software business manager John Davies. "We are investing heavily in workflow R&D."

New features in version 3 support web-offset printing, including web-specific impositions that can handle inline finishing, and a new job builder to show whether pages are ready, pending approval or missing. The software supports single- and multiple-web and multiple-ribbon configurations.

The 3D-proofing module has also been rewritten and now uses the ripped data from the APPE to match final output, and the 3D proof is created using the JDF imposition scheme.

More complicated jobs, including gatefolds, Z-folds and other folding configurations are also supported, according to Davies.

He added: "Any fold you can create in the imposition can now be 3D proofed."

A further enhancement to the proofing function is to support production of book proofs on digital presses.

Colour management has been enhanced to support devicelink ICC profiles, opening up the ability to use fast and accurate CMYK-to-CMYK conversions for separation optimisation to speed makeready, reduce ink costs and cut drying times and dryer energy requirements.

XMF Remote has been upgraded to version 5, which enhances the software's job submission, proofing, approval and sign-off.