Finisher to offer digital print following 80,000 Oc buy

Finishing Touch has made its debut into the print arena with an investment in an Oc CPS800 Platinum digital machine in order to tap into the growing market for personalisation work.

The Hyde, Cheshire-based print finisher, which was started in March this year, anticipates the £80,000 buy will allow it to increase the range of work it already carries out.

The six-staff business has also taken on a "considerable" amount of jobbing work that it completes for commercial customers.

Company director Mark Holmes said: "We realised early on that by investing in digital print, rather than the traditional commercial litho print, we could take on more work with higher profit margins."

Holmes said the current economic climate had made it necessary for the company to diversify its service offering and, in turn, increase its customer base.

"If we were just doing a core line of finishing, business wouldn’t have been as good as it could be, but with the digital machine on board we're constantly busy," said Holmes.

He added that the Océ press would allow the business to move into the personalisation market and also help to attract new clients.

"Without a doubt, it's a growth area. In six months' time, we would ideally like to go back to Océ and pick up another machine."

Finishing Touch, which also offers a mailing and fulfilment service, carries out finishing work, including perfect binding, laminating, folding and guillotining.