Field First staff accept new terms

Staff at Field First have accepted new terms and conditions at the packaging site, lifting the threat of closure.

A ballot was held last week at the Newcastle plant, part of the Field Group, with the majority of workers backing proposals to introduce new flexible working practices at the site. Discussions were held between staff, management and Amicus GPMS.

The Field Group said the changes were necessary due to tough trading conditions in the packaging sector.

Field First managing director John Short said: “The introduction of innovative working arrangements will provide greater flexibility. I believe they will ensure the factory remains competitive and help make jobs secure.”

But Amicus national officer Vernon Robson expressed disappointment at the outcome. “The document that was voted on is far from ideal. It is a serious reduction in conditions, but people have put their families first.”

He added that the union had managed to secure an annual pay award for staff.

Field First Newcastle
• Workforce of 220
• Operates in food and household sectors
• Produces 6bn folded cartons per year
• Part of the Chesapeake group of packaging companies