Purnell staff accept closure terms

Polestar Purnells 400 staff have voted in favour of closure plans agreed last week with Amicus GPMS.

Purnell staff voted overwhelmingly in favour of the redundancy agreement after a meeting with Amicus assistant general secretary Tony Burke yesterday (18 July).

Burke said: "It's a very sad day for the staff, and there is anger and disappointment over the plans. But I made it clear that this was the only offer the staff were going to get and they voted in favour."

Polestar has set up a job centre at the plant to advise staff looking for work, and is also working with local firms and local authorities to advertise vacancies.

Polestar group human resources director Catherine Hearn said that a number of interviews will take place next week for Purnell staff looking to move to the group's new Sheffield plant.

Story by Josh Brooks