Flat tin printers involved

Envases Liverpool dispute resolved

Around 100 staff will strike under Unite's banner in late September
Unite praised the "really important victory"

Planned strike action by members of union Unite at industrial metal canister manufacturer Envases has been called off after fire and rehire threats were shelved.

Around 11 print workers at Envases Liverpool were due to take strike action throughout June after Envases tried to impose new contracts, which would have forced the printers to work in the production hall, were withdrawn following negotiations.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “This is a really important victory. By standing firm our members were able to overturn the threat to fire and rehire them.

“This result shows how Unite’s relentless focus on the jobs, pay and conditions of its members is paying real dividends in the workplace.”

Under the deal, the current pay agreement will be implemented in full and talks between the company and Unite will begin early next year under the auspices of the conciliation service Acas to find a long-term solution to the workplace issues.

The workers involved print on flat tin, which is then passed through the factory’s production area and converted into cans for oil, paint, and other industrial uses.