DfWP considers outsourcing

The Department for Work & Pensions is conducting an exploratory exercise into the feasibility of outsourcing its 50m-70m annual print spend through a print management company

The Department for Work & Pensions is conducting an exploratory exercise into the feasibility of outsourcing its 50m-70m annual print spend through a print management company.

The DfWP was formed in June following the general election, and includes parts of the former Department of Social Security and Department for Education & Employment.

It generates a large amount of internal and external printed matter, including benefit claim forms, employment-related collateral, brochures, leaflets as well as training materials. Envelopes are subject to a separate agreement and are not included.

Currently, the DfWP works with four major print contractors.
If the department does opt for the print management route, the contract would have to be advertised in the European Union tenders bulletin.