Stephen Grainger, an engineer who was married with two children, died 16 days after being engulfed by hot water as he replaced a seal on a pump in the main boiler house on 2 March 2002. An inquest at the end of last year recorded a verdict of accidental death.
The mills management pleaded guilty to one charge under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Section two, at Kendal Magistrates Court on 4 August. Magistrates imposed a fine of 15,000 and costs of 5,000 against the firm.
Finance director John Denman said the company deeply regretted Graingers death, and that it had co-operated fully with the HSEs accident investigation.
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"Hello Mark,
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
Best regards,
"Nigel Garage, sorry Farage, will be livid. This blatant wokeism is removing every opportunity to propound racial stereotypes. Bring back the Dambuster’s dog, Love Thy Neighbour and It Ain’t Half Hot..."
"It’s sad but their prices we’re ridiculously cheap hence the inevitable"
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