The site also connects publishers with readers and writers, with the Random House Group and Faber & Faber having signed up with profiles on the website.
Once published on CompletelyNovel, titles can be bought online before being printed on-demand by CPI UK.
Jonathan Huddart, senior sales manager of CPI UK, said: " not only makes print-on-demand accessible to everybody, it also gives aspiring writers the tools they need to give their book the best possible chance of success."
The plan for the online platform, co-founded by Anna Lewis, Jon Gilbraith and Oliver Brooks, is to develop a global network of printers to produce on-demand titles in each locality to minimise travel times and postage costs.
Lewis said: "With CPI already on-board, we plan to increase the number of printers on board and help writers publish and print their work quickly and easily."
CPI debut printer for self-publishing service
CPI UK has become the first printer to integrate with, a new web-based platform that allows aspiring authors to publish and print their books online.