ClickPaper starts online job selector

A website launched on Monday (1 August) aims to help paper buyers, specifiers and printers select the right paper for a job.

Created for end-users, ClickPaper provides details of paper brands, weight, colour, stock size, printing processes and applications.

The paper supply tool-kit website contains more than 900 brands and 40,000 individual papers.

Contact details of the producers, merchants or agents will be provided, and printers will also be able to sell or buy redundant stock with sellers' details advertised securely, until a bid is accepted.

The website, in development for two years, was devised by Publishing Paper Solutions founder and owner Paul Venediger.

He said the aim of the site was to act as a resource centre that would provide an informed point of reference. "It's aimed at all personnel across the industry that have the requirement to source paper," he said.

A search engine facility will enable the browser to scan for products by weight, size, finish, environmental accreditation and printing processes.

Paper calculation tools will work out the volumes buyers require.
"We hope eventually that manufacturers will buy into the concept and update their details as and when required," said Venediger.
Subscribers will initially be able to sign up for a 12-month period for a trial fee of 120. As the site develops, users will be able to sign up for one, three and six month deals.

"I think it's important for browsers to get a feel for how the site works, and more importantly for how informative the catalogue can be."

The eventual aim is for the site to act as a European portal covering all sectors of supply.

Story by Andy Scott