Burlington adds Creo UpFront

Burlington Press has invested in Creo pre-press kit including Synapse UpFront production planning software, as part of an ongoing investment to improve efficiency at the Cambridgeshire firm.

At the heart of the B1 firm's investment is a Lotem 800 Quantum, which is being driven by a Prinergy workflow with Integris proofer and Staccato FM screening.


It is planning to link its pre-press department to its Tharstern MIS.


"This installation is part of an ongoing programme of investment to boost efficiency," said managing director Andrew Tooke. "It will set us on a development path for production and business systems integration."


The firm will use UpFront to automatically generate impositions schemes linked to its finishing kit.


As well as UpFront the firm is considering adding further parts of Creo's Networked Graphic Production range including Synapse Link, InSite and Prepare.


"In the future Synapse InSite may well be an added value service we can offer to speed up the proofing process," he added.


Story by Barney Cox