The company installed a KBA press with the same specification in January last year.
The new press, which is equipped with DriveTronic SIS infeed to reduce downtime and waste, is undergoing final print test trials at the Surrey-based company.
It also features QualiTronic Professional with inline density measurement and control system, ColorTronic off-press ink and register control system and DriveTronic for smooth sheet delivery.
The new printer is Alderson’s fourth KBA machine in as many years. It was preceded by a B1 Rapida five-colour with coater, a large-format five-colour Rapida 162 and a four-colour KBA Rapida 205 very large-format press in the Alderson point of sale division.
Alderson Print Group’s chief operations officer Paul Abraham said: "QualiTronic and DensiTronic both have an array of benefits that reduce waste, giving us a genuine level of confidence through continuous monitoring of the material and print quality.
"With the costs of consumables being an ever-increasing part of the job, this level of measurement has become a key factor in our industry."
Alderson Print Group was founded by Peter and Ron Alderson more than 50 years ago.