Agfa and Inkland help Potts overhaul its pre-press

Potts Printers has invested 350,000 updating its pre-press department as part of an expansion of its Newcastle plant.

"We needed fast flexible CTP output," said production director Shaun Johnson.


It has replaced a Screen FlatRite 1050 with two Agfa Palladio's to meet its increased plate volume of more than 4,000 plates per month and the need for flexibility.


It also added an additional Sherpa 43 ink-jet digital colour proofer and upgraded all the Macs in its pre-press studio.


The deal was put together by dealer Inkland and Agfa. Both companies were asked by Potts to establish a powerful pre-press department for the printer with the latest technology.


This follows the firm's move into packaging with its acquisition of a six-colour Heidelberg Speedmaster CD74 with ImageControl and extended delivery.


"We did not want to hit a brick wall in pre-press, and Agfa and Inkland have combined brilliantly to ensure we met our objectives," said Johnson.


The firm has also invested in finishing, including a Horizon StitchLiner, and planning further post-press investment later this year.


Potts turnover has increased from 500,000 in 1994 to just over 6m at present.


It has clients in the healthcare, advertising and communications markets.