
Rising star: Gabby Solarek, account manager, Eight Group

"Print is the world’s best-kept secret. It is everywhere, but you never hear about it until you work with it"

Gabby is 26 and was Highly Commended in the Trainee category at this year’s Printweek Awards. She joined Eight Days over five years ago, starting in production.

“This was my first encounter with the print industry, and I think I fell pretty lucky,” she says. “I learnt how to operate the machinery needed to bring a print campaigns to life. I also quickly realised the importance of quality control and attention to detail in this line of work.” Last year she had the opportunity to become an account management trainee, and jumped at the chance. The role has given her an overview of the entire lifecycle of print campaigns, from their initial conception to the final output. 

What did you study, and did you have a particular career in mind?
I am one to get stuck in the thick of it, so for me I like to learn on the job and from experience. I never had a set career in mind, I was just looking for something that kept me on my toes and was lucky enough to find it

How did you find your way into the industry?

By chance, I landed a job at Eight Days through an agency as a temporary worker on the shop floor. From the moment I started, I knew I wanted to stay. I completely fell in love with the print industry, the team and now, five years later, I'm still here

Did you know anything about print beforehand?

I had no prior knowledge; it was all new to me! Everything I know now, I have learned over the years working at Eight Group from some very knowledgeable experts in the field

What does your current role entail?

My role involves collaborating closely with customers, suppliers, and the production team to bring print campaigns to life. Whether it's developing briefs with new clients, providing quotes for existing customers, or raising purchase orders, the focus is always on building strong relationships and going above and beyond

What's the most enjoyable or interesting thing about it?

It is ever-changing, every order is different, every client has their own unique needs but that’s what makes it exciting. You never know what the next day might bring

Do you have an ideal career path mapped out?

Not at the moment, I am at the stage where I am just happy to go with the flow and see where it takes me. I will eventually plan it, but for now I am just enjoying the journey

Who do you view as an inspiring person? 

My team and my leaders at Eight Group inspire me, they have taught me all I know about print as well as developing my confidence and abilities. They are always pushing me to learn more and challenging me to take on new responsibilities. Their passion for the industry is infectious, and it motivates me to continue growing and improving in my role

Which box set would you recommend?

The Lord of the Rings – this is only one of my favourites, but perfect for a rainy day

What’s your most-used app?


What has surprised you most about working in the printing industry?

I keep saying that print is the world’s best-kept secret. It is everywhere, but you never hear about it until you work with it. And once you start seeing it, you realise it is everywhere!

What could the printing industry be doing more of to entice young people into print?

I think making it more visible would be great. It is a really good industry to be in, but I don’t think many people realises how good it is

If you ruled the world...?

I think I would have a little fun and make Halloween a bank holiday, as it is one of my favourite celebrations with my daughter. Making it a requirement for everyone to dress up for the day. We all need some light-hearted fun and there's no better time of the year than the spooky season