Q&A: Steve Miles, gravure sales director, Polestar

Steve joined the industry 41 years ago, because of the three potential jobs on offer print was the best-paid at £11 a week. He’s been married to Mrs Miles for 36 years, they have two daughters and are due to become grandparents in December. Steve is convinced the industry is full of fellow Millwall fans, but could only come up with one other name when pressed.

What is your nickname? Smiler

What would be your dream job? Manager of Millwall FC. I have applied twice in the past but for some unknown reason I was overlooked. I also applied to be the England manager but lost out (narrowly I would expect) to Sven-Göran Eriksson 

Who would play you in a movie about your life? I am often told that I resemble a young Donny Osmond so probably him

What is your dream bit of kit? It changes regularly but will always have two doors, a roof that comes down and at least 300bhp. I am currently, however, driving a 'Quickie Samba M' electric wheelchair that has been powered down to 2mph and it won’t be powered back up until either I find a way to circumvent the restrictor or I pass my wheelchair driving test for which there is a three month waiting list. Brmm brmm!!

Who do you admire most in the industry? I can hear the groans now but I am going to go for Barry Hibbert, my CEO at Polestar. There is stiff competition, but he really knows how to drive a business. Anyone that knows me will know there is “no sucking up” involved in my answer but I will probably keep away from the blogs for a while

What is your favourite phrase or saying? So many to choose from: 'one-legged man in an arse kicking contest', 'a plan is only a plan until it meets the enemy', 'quiet as a Butlins salad bar'. My colleagues and mates would probably say it’s when I say 'to cut a long story short' and then don’t

What is your favourite album? Led Zeppelin IV. Not a bad track on it and brings back lots of happy memories that I have no intention of sharing

What is your greatest luxury in life? To be surrounded by the most wonderful family, friends, colleagues and customers in the world who make my life an absolute joy 

What’s your greatest fear? Snakes, but thankfully we don’t have too many in Evesham

Who or what makes you laugh? Probably more like what doesn’t make me laugh to be honest

What piece of kit would you like to see invented? A zapper to defeat motor neurone disease and very soon please

Where would you like to be right now? The sun is out, it’s very hot and I would like to be sitting on a nice terrace in Cornwall, under a parasol, looking out to sea with a cold beer

What’s your worst fashion disaster?  I have never had one and I cannot believe that James Povey [Polestar marketing director] finished above me in a best-dressed man competition once. It must have been the same adjudicators that appointed Sven over me for England manager 

What is the worst kind of print? No such thing. It’s a fabulous medium and long may print continue

What was the best business deal that you’ve pulled off? Probably best kept secret

What was your childhood obsession? To earn £100 per week

How would you like to be remembered? To have never done anything in moderation

What is your greatest ambition? To live long enough to see the end of the DFS Sale