Q&A: Simon Gray, sales and marketing director, Cross Media

Simon Gray, sales and marketing director at multimedia marketing firm Cross Media, is still working in the industry eight years after taking a temporary job - but while he may have arrived in the world of print by accident, the digital and social media specialist and keen runner says he's now doing his dream job.

Why did you get into printing?
It was a complete accident. I’ve found you’re either born into print or you arrive here by chance

What would be your dream job?
It’s a bit corny but I’m doing it now

Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Ross from Friends – I think we’re long-lost twins

What is your favourite TV programme?
The Inbetweeners

What is your favourite album?
In Between Dreams by Jack Johnson

What is your greatest ambition?
To become a chartered marketer. Almost there!

What’s your greatest fear?
Nothing. Face the fear until it’s gone

Who or what makes you laugh?
Russell Brand

What piece of kit would you like to see invented?
A phone that automatically connects to the decision maker and ensures they’re always happy and willing to be pitched to

Which superpower would you like to have?
To be invisible. Imagine the things you would see…

What was the best business deal that you’ve pulled off?
Hopefully, the one I’m negotiating now

How would you like to be remembered?
For being happy, positive and for having, as Iggy Pop said, a lust for life

Life is…?
Far too important a thing to ever talk seriously about