Q&A: Graham Congreve Sales director, Evolution Print

Graham has been in print for around 28 years, starting in advertising. He lives with his partner Catherine and loves watching cricket and football (Sheffield Wednesday), music, art and architecture, mountain bikes, gym, books and the garden (“not doing it, sitting in it”).

What is your nickname?

Why did you get into printing?
An old friend asked me down to his press room. I’d been before, I was a customer, but I could tell he was up to something. He asked me to join him and help run his production department. I had no idea what I was doing, but I just loved it

What would be your dream job?
A cricket commentator on the radio or TV. You get to travel the world for half the year, go to the most amazing interesting places, watching something you love, and you get paid for it. Then you do it at home for the second half of the year. And repeat

What is your dream bit of kit?
Alfa Romeo 8C

Who or what do you hate the most?
Bullies and loud people

Who do you admire most in the industry?
There’s a few people who are doing things right. I’ve told them, they know who are they are

What is your favourite album?
Wilco’s Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

What is your favourite book/what are you reading at the moment?
My favourite author is Ian McEwan, and I’d probably go for one of his early works, The Comfort of Strangers. At the moment I’m reading Reservoir 13, by Jon McGregor, it’s brilliant

Cat or dog, or…?
Both, but dogs will come when I retire. We have a cat, Dexter, he’s a killer.

What is your greatest luxury in life?
Our garden

What is the strangest job you’ve had?
Butcher’s assistant, making sausages. Oh, and cleaning out the cheese counter too, now that was a challenge

What is your greatest ambition?
To run a half marathon again. My physio reckons I’ll be able to soon, but after five operations, two knee and three Achilles on the same leg…

Who or what makes you laugh?
The Bard of Luton, John Hegley

Which celebrity would you like to get out of here? Why?
Every time the Jungle or Strictly comes back I struggle with knowing who the contestants are

Where would you like to be right now?
On a plane going to the Ashes Series in Australia

What’s your worst fashion disaster?
Back-combed hair, eyeliner, applied on the bus so my dad didn’t see, and bright green and black skinny trousers. I thought I looked lovely

Who would be your favourite party guests?
Dickie Bird and Dennis Skinner, along with Ryan Adams, Paul Weller, Patti Smith and John Hegley. And if I could be really indulgent I’d like to have my mum and Caroline Aherne there, that’d be perfect

Where would you go if you could time-travel?
Back to mid ‘70s New York, Hell’s Kitchen and the Bowery, and the punk explosion. I just missed it

What was your childhood obsession?
Subbuteo, and then records

How would you like to be remembered?
Congers will do