Q&A: Rhianna Moore, digital print and finishing apprentice, Telford Repro

Rhianna – Rhi for short – is 19 and is nine months into her first year in the industry. Congratulations are in order as she recently won IT Apprentice of the Year at her college. She’s also a musician and you can catch her live shows in Bridgnorth.

Her interest in art and graphic design extends outside of working hours, as it’s something she likes to do in her spare time. Rhi is pictured with Telford’s graphic designer Dan Clarke.

What is your nickname? 

Usually just Rhi, although some people call me ‘Mouse’ – I’m not sure whether this is due to my size, or how much I eat!

Why did you get into printing? 

I applied for an apprenticeship at Telford Repro, originally intending on getting some experience in graphic design. I’ve really enjoyed being a print apprentice because I love seeing artwork come to life. It’s really great to see one of your finished products and think ‘I put that together’

Who would play you in a movie about your life? 

Tina Fey – because she’s funny, and a little nutty

What would you most like to print? 

I regularly attend concerts, so I’d love to print more posters for them. I’ve always thought the designs can be really interesting, and as a musician I can take inspiration from them for my own material

What is your favourite TV show? 

Friends, without a doubt! Especially now I’m at an age where I understand all the jokes

Who or what do you hate the most? 

People who are cruel to their pets

What is your favourite album? 

World Record by Lower Than Atlantis, I’ve been a fan of this band for a few years now, and this particular album never loses its appeal

What is your favourite book? 

A book I can always come back to is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon – the title is a bit of a mouthful, but it’s definitely worth a read

What is your greatest luxury in life? 

Having a Saturday night in

What is your greatest ambition? 

To record and release a full-length album, who knows when that’ll happen; I seem to be suffering from permanent writer’s block

What’s your greatest fear? 

Definitely spiders

Who or what makes you laugh? 

Videos of animals doing funny things – especially dogs or red pandas

Most embarrassing moment? 

I’m pretty clumsy, so it’s difficult to pick just one – for me, embarrassing moments are a regular occurrence

Where would you like to be now? 

On a beach somewhere sunny

What’s your worst fashion disaster? 

When I was 14, I had a blue-and-white-striped hoodie from the men’s section in Primark which I would wear with red skinny jeans – to top it off, I had purple hair. Never again!

Which superpower would you like to have? 

Invisibility, so I could play pranks on people

What is the worst kind of print? 

The low-res kind, especially with pixellation and compression