Q&A: Matt Galloway, sales and business development, Galloways Printers

Matt started out in engineering at 18, but quickly realised that sitting in front of a computer screen working on large scale jobs such as schools, stadia and large industrial units wasn’t for him. Having done two years ski instructing in Fernie, British Columbia he returned to the UK in 2012 to take up a career working in the family business – ever since, says Matt (pictured left, with his most admired) “time has flown by with the print industry ever changing!”

Why did you get into printing? 

As a youngster I was forever visiting the office and I guess I was brought up with printing all around me. Needless to say over time I came to appreciate the power of print and the industry

What would be your dream job? 

If I was to do anything else other than my current job, it would be heading back to the mountains ski instructing again although that chapter is done and I am thoroughly enjoying the challenges of the print industry! 

What is your favourite film? 

Tough one to call – Forrest Gump, Blood Diamond and for sheer money thrown at making it The Art of Flight has to be up there for my love of the mountains

What is your favourite TV programme?  

Not really a TV person, except for getting hooked on Breaking Bad like everyone else – but any live sport on the television I will happily watch

Who or what do you hate the most? 

Ignorance and dishonesty

Who do you admire most in print? 

I would have to go for the old man for this one! It’s fair to say the industry has changed somewhat during his 30 years as MD at Galloways, and to remain successful during that period has allowed the company to invest and evolve with new technologies

What is your favourite album? 

Again, a tricky one to call – Definitely Maybe, Alive 2007 and the Blueprint are all iPod favourites

What is your greatest luxury in life? 

My passport – giving me the opportunity to travel and seeing new places

Who or what makes you laugh?  

A night out with family and friends after a busy week. Always guaranteed to make you smile

Where would you like to be now?  

In the mountains 

What’s your worst fashion disaster? 

I would have to say my passport photo in my late teens – a dyed blonde mullet! Thankfully the 10 years are nearly up and I can soon get rid of that picture

Who would be your favourite party guests? 

People who have lived out their dreams and have a few interesting sub-stories along the way – as a Manchester United fan George Best would have some stories to tell, Leonardo DiCaprio seems to be living quite well at the moment and I suppose I couldn’t ignore Sir Alex

What is the worst kind of print? 

Any print whereby the end user hasn’t been thought about, and has been produced with price being the only factor considered 

How would you like to be remembered?  

Honest, hardworking and approachable

Life is…?  

For enjoying and working hard… you get out of it what you put in!