Q&A: Jonathan Gulbe-Mitchell Transport and finishing manager, Print 4

Back in May, Print 4’s Adam Kill referred to a colleague with highly-amusing eyebrows. We had to follow that up, and here he is. We feel Jonathan may well be continuing the mutual mickey-taking in some of his answers…

Jonathan has been in the trade for over 25 years (which he describes as “mad”), He is married to his soul mate Daiga and they have two boys, Leonardo and Christopher Janis who negate the need for any hobbies as there isn’t time for any. 

What is your nickname? 

Too many too mention but according to one ‘small boy’ in my office, there is Eyebrows, Joey Essex (because I speak normally), Gurner and – I almost forgot – Shrek, and Dennis the Menace!

Why did you get into printing?  

I sometimes wonder

What would be your dream job?

To be a travel writer for Lonely Planet. To travel around the world and see new places would be a dream

What is your favourite film?

The Godfather and the Lord of the Rings trilogy

Who or what do you hate the most?

People who judge other people without finding out about them first. We are all equal in the world and should treat everybody with the same respect no matter who or where they are from

What is your favourite album?

(What’s the Story) Morning Glory

What is the strangest job you’ve ever done? 

The one I am doing now but it is also happens to be the most rewarding at the same time 

Who or what makes you laugh?

I laugh every single day when a customer asks for ridiculous lead times 

What piece of kit would you like to see invented? 

A machine to make people taller (you know who you are, small boy!)

Where would you like to be right now? 

On the Pacific Highway watching the sea hitting the Seven Apostles

What’s your worst fashion disaster?  

As anyone who knows me knows, this would just never happen 

Which superpower would you like to have?

To take away world poverty and to find a cure for Alzheimer’s 

Who would be your favourite party guests?  

Just me and Nicole Scherzinger. No one else needed, thank you

Where would you go if you could time-travel? 

Into the past with my boys and wife so they could meet my granddad

How would you like to be remembered? 

Apart from for my rugged good looks, I would like to be known as an honest hardworking manager who had the respect of everyone he worked with 

Life is…?  

Hard, until you make the right choices