Q&A: Joanne Hindley Commercial director, Peter Scott Printers

Joanne Hindley is 39 years old and, after she turns 40 later this year, will have worked at Peter Scott Printers (PSP) for half her life.

She started out as the office junior and has since risen to the heady heights of commercial director. Married with two daughters (Chloe, 15, and Hannah, 12), Joanne enjoys socialising with friend and family, good food and holidays.

Why did you get into printing? 

By accident; I’d just returned from working as an au pair for a year in Boston in the US and was looking for a temporary job while I decided what I wanted to do for a career. My dad sold oil and lubricants to the works manager at PSP and came home saying they needed an office junior. I had typing skills and got the job. The rest is history

What would be your dream job? 

Mystery shopper for far-flung five-star holiday destinations

What is your dream bit of kit?

A time machine with a built in crystal ball would certainly be useful for those unexpected last-minute print jobs which seem to happen on a regular basis

What would you most like to print?   

Other than the winning Lotto ticket my print preferences usually lean towards anything with unusual finishes: die cutting, embossing and some foil blocking – it’s the magpie effect for me

What is your favourite TV programme?  

At the moment I’m loving Newsroom

Who do you admire most in the industry? 

A former colleague, Kelvin Metcalfe, who sadly is no longer with us. He had a long and varied career in the local print industry with a wealth of knowledge that he shared enthusiastically. His sense of humour and ability to keep pushing me to achieve my goals was unmatched

What is your favourite saying? 

Yes, of course we can!

What is your greatest luxury in life?

Holidays! The uninterrupted time I get to spend with my family making new memories is priceless

What is the strangest job you’ve had?

Cleaning out the tyre presses during the summer holidays at the local Michelin Tyre Factory. The factory used to go on total shut down for two weeks and they would draft students in to clean the machinery. It was long hours and hard graft but the pay was unbeatable – I think to make up for the fact that it took weeks to get the oil and dirt out of your hands!

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? 

My family – there’s no one else I’d rather spend time with

Who or what makes you laugh?  

My husband and children have the ability to make me laugh on a daily basis – they think I take life too seriously sometimes 

Most embarrassing moment?

As office junior I was given the keys to the boss’s brand new car to take some proofs over to a client – a patch of black ice meant I’d to return to work and break the news that I’d had a minor accident. I was totally mortified

Which superpower would you like to have? 

The ability to slow time – it would help with print deadlines but also extend the enjoyment of holidays 

Life is…? 

Wonderful – enjoy it