Q&A: Alex Cain, director, Mount Street Printers

Alex has spent 15 of his 37 years in print, working at the family print business located in the one of the most upmarket areas of London – Mayfair. When not at work Alex and his wife are kept busy and entertained by their three-year-old daughter, which doesn’t leave him much free ‘time’ for his hobby of watch collecting.

Why did you get into printing? 

It’s a family affair. Mistakenly I thought it was the easy option

What is your dream bit of kit? 

A computer that I can telepathically dictate to so that it can send my emails for me

What would you most like to print? 

I’m already printing it, but it’s confidential

What is your favourite film? 

I love sci-fi and was blown away by Avatar and more recently Interstellar

Who or what do you hate the most? 

Life is too short to hate

Who do you admire most in the industry? 

My parents (Fridette and Peter, pictured with Alex above)

What is your favourite saying? 

‘Life is too short to drink cheap wine’. We sell this card in packs of 10 – it’s a good seller!

What book are you reading at the moment? 

Recently I read Le Freak, it’s the autobiography of Nile Rogers and an amazing but touching story. I read a lot but at the moment I’m reading about the Theory of Constraints

What is your greatest luxury in life? 

Spending time with my family

What is the strangest job you’ve had?

My first work experience was filling divots on a golf course

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? 

It depends for how long…

Who or what makes you laugh? 

My three-year-old daughter

What piece of kit would you like to see invented? 

Peel and seal applicator for diamond flap envelopes

Most embarrassing moment? 

I’m not easily embarrassed 

Where would you like to be right now? 

Harbour Island in the Bahamas

What’s your worst fashion disaster? 

I dress very conservatively so have never taken risks with fashion

Which superpower would you like to have? 

The ability to read minds

Who would be your favourite party guests? 

I always like meeting new and interesting people, but I would have loved to meet Steve Jobs

What is the worst kind of print? 

All kinds of print have something to offer – the printing press is one of the most important inventions of all time. Where would we be without print?

What was the best business deal that you’ve pulled off? 

It’s a work in progress

Life is…? 

A challenge

What was your childhood obsession? 

Cars – specifically Porsche 911s!