Q&A: Claire Tennant, head of project management, Linney Group

Claire has spent 22 years in printing and logistics at Linney Group, progressing through a variety of roles in the business. She is married to Mark, has a daughter Millie who is nine and stepson Oliver,18. Claire loves travel, reading, films, theatre but most of all time with friends and family.

Why did you get into printing?

I started out as a PA to the MD of, what was at the time LinPrint, our B2 sheetfed company. Looking back it’s astonishing to think about the slower pace, and laborious processes which was the norm back then – we didn’t even have emails – we sent memos!

What would be your dream job? 

I would love to do more to help other people. Sounds a bit of a cliché but I’m a trained volunteer councillor for ChildLine. It’s such a big responsibility and mentally draining but I know I’ve helped hundreds of children and teenagers reassess their lives and the problems they have

Who would play you in a movie about your life? 

Laura Linney, my husband tells me I look like her and she’s a ‘Linney’!

What is your dream bit of kit?

The tiny little wire that enables you to open a bottle of fizz

What is your favourite film?

Amélie. The title directly influenced my daughter’s name choice

What is your favourite TV programme? 

A good, gritty crime drama, or a great documentary 

Who do you admire most in the industry? 

The late Ian Linney was someone I always looked up to. He was so passionate about our business 

and in particular the people in it

What is your favourite phrase or saying? 

Is the kettle on?

What is your favourite album?

Deacon Blue, Our Town

What is your greatest luxury in life?

Spare time. Time with my family, preferably outdoors with the dog in the sunshine or having a spa treatment to relax and be pampered. I think the work/life balance needs to be appreciated and worked at

What is your greatest ambition?

To foster children and ensure my own daughter and stepson have plenty of opportunities to have a happy life enjoying whatever they choose to do

Who or what makes you laugh?

According to my mother-in-law I don’t laugh (sorry, personal joke!). Daftness makes me laugh, good old fashioned, clever comedy

Where would you like to be right now? 

Looking at a clear Inbox, printing my boarding card and heading to the airport

Where would you go if you could time-travel? 

The time before email

What was your childhood obsession?

Order. My dolls and bears had to be lined up in size order. My daughter is just the same

What is the worst kind of print?

Overs or unused stock that has to be recycled, we urge our clients to be as accurate as possible but digital has helped reduce these numbers overall 

How would you like to be remembered? 

Compassionate, empathetic, positive, organised and happy

Life is…? 

A smile can be so infectious and motivating. We shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously but what we do for others, we should take very seriously