Ipex Presses Preview Star Product: Hans-Gronhi GH525

 A five-colour B3 press for less than £200,000? No wonder Hans-Gronhi is causing some ripples in the sheetfed market. This 12,000sph machine comes with a handy level of automation, including semi-automatic plate changing, remote cylinder adjustment, auto dampening, roller wash, laser segmented ink ducts, and CIP4 connectivity. Options include numbering and perforating, a scanning spectrophotometer, and IR drying. The press has a compact footprint, too, with the five-colour taking up just 5.2x2.3m of space. Expect a steady stream of curious printers heading for hall 6 keen to take a closer look at this machine, made by China’s market-leading manufacturer of presses in this format.

Ipex Preview: Presses